Review: What About Tuesday?


Should you ever wake up to find a day of the week missing due to a freak abnormality in the nature of space-time, it’s probably a good idea not to mention it to anyone. It’s definitely a good idea not to mention it to the slight ginger working for Gently’s Private Investigators. You may think it’s a good idea, but it’ll be way more trouble than it’s worth.

Really, it’s probably best to just go about your day and forget anything ever happened. Cause technically, nothing did.

Rating: 5-stars


What About Tuesday? by Adam Wilson is short creative novella about what happens when the character realizes that a whole day went missing. The author creates such a simple tale but one that keeps the reader deeply immersed in wonder. There are so many ways I could see this tale going that it was crazy. I loved every moment. It’s edgy, addictive, and engaging. Adam Wilson writes with humor and mystery. Overall, the book goes by really quick and is led by the dialogue between characters.

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